Plamp Good Fortune

17.06.2024 15:22:57

Dvouletá klisnička Plamp Good Fortune našla svůj nový domov.
Její úžasná, velice klidná a přátelská povaha z ni dělá super parťáka pro shetlandiho dědečka a děti.

of The Shetland Pony
Stud-Book Society

Plamp Ebony

17.06.2024 15:20:45

Roční hřebeček Plamp Ebony odjel do nové rodiny. Hodně štěstí cvrčku!

Plamp Jenefer and her new family

17.06.2022 09:00:00

Sale of Plamp Jingle Bell & Primrose’s Pixie

22.01.2022 09:00:00

Our two young piebald fillies went to their new home today (22nd January 2022) . They are going to live together in south of Moravia. We are happy they stay together.



Plamp Jolene

25.11.2021 09:00:00

Jolene was sold as a yearling filly to Findling stud in Germany.

Plamp Fortune Teller

13.04.2020 18:00:00

He was first colt who was born in my stud. I rised him to be nice, friendly, easy going colt. He was gelded in spring 2019 and sold in the autumn 2019 as a 4 year old gelding.

Plamp Penny

08.01.2019 13:00:11

Yarpha Prism

19.07.2012 13:48:28

Yrpha was auctioned for us by Mrs. Marková in Scottish Aberdeen in October 2010. This filly has very nice elegant head and she is just right in all points. She is very nice, quiet, pieceful and caress. She comes from Orkney. She is a typical representative of the race Shetland Pony. She is very promising mare, from whom we expect quality foals in all respects. We expect her first foal in spring 2012 (Fortune Maker).


Prism was sold in the spring  2015 to wonderful family with 3 small children . We stay in touch ....

Yarpha Prism

AUQ332 Black Mare
Height 36"
Born 19/05/2008
Breeder: Mr. James W.Slater - Yarpha



Tiffany Goodshapes

19.05.2012 13:48:24

We have bought Tifany in spring 2009 as a nine months old filly. Her mother and father come from leading Dutch  stud Van Stal Break Of Dawn and they are entered into Dutch breeding book. The origin is based mainly on prestige British ancestries Marshwood and Transy.  Tiff is very sweet and nice and quiet mare, she is all the time around me and comes on call. Tiffany is enourmously kind and communicative mare. We expect her foal in June 2012 (Fortune Maker).

Tiffany Goodshapes

32/295 Black Mare
Height 38 Inches
Born 08/06/2008
Breeder: Mrs. G. Jašurková - Goodshapes



Výstavní výsledky

2008 2nd Shetland Pony Show in Plasy,
Judge: Mr.Ivan Urbas, Austria (foal with mare)


2008 2nd Nationale Championship of Shetland Pony in Pardubice,

Judge: Mr.Kenneth Scott, Scotland (foal with mare)


2009 3rd Nationale Championship of Shetland Pony in Pardubice
Judge: Mr.Jimmy Wilson, Mr.Kenneth Scott, Scotland

(1-2 years )


2010 3rd Nationale Championship of Shetland Pony in Pardubice,
Judge: Mr.Jerzy Dmochowski, Poland

(1-2 years )


19.05.2012 13:41:56

Oscar was our first Shetland pony. He over come all our mistakes and he loved as nevertheless. He was very balanced, not flighty, quiet and traquil pony. He was a reliableriding pony for our son. He walked freely the whole summer on the meadows around our house. He defined  hid own borders and he respected them. We sold him in autumn 2012. 

We have stayed in touch with the new Oskars’s owners. They wrote us in winter 2015 that Oskar died getting strong colic attack.
RIP hun


Piebald Gelding
Height 36 Inches
Born 2002

Pankymoor Apple Blossom

19.04.2012 13:48:06

Apple was auctioned for us by Mrs. Marková in Scottish Aberdeen in October 2010 as 16month foal. Even though she was very young, she participated in four exhibicions in one season in Britain and its category she always acquired 1st rank.
Apple was amazing beautiful and kind filly. She was always around me as a dog. I miss her a lot...

Pankymoor Apple Blossom

AUQ332 434031396 Black Mare
Height 38"
Breeder: Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherratt - Pankymoor


Apple † 15.6. 2011



Výstavní výsledky

Nationale Awards scheme 2010, Yearlings, 2nd place


2010 1th Cheshire County Show (Yearling )
Reserve Champion Shetland Young stock